
What's Your Color Scheme??

What's your color scheme in Vista?

Color Scheme
Color Scheme
Susan Hanly - Associate Consultant

By Susan Hanly - Associate Consultant

2 min read
What's your color scheme in Vista?
Vista is full of ways to customize and automate your experience!  One way is to customize the color scheme.  Customizing your Vista  screen with different colors is easy.  There are many reasons you may want to customize your color scheme.  One reason may be to differentiate between companies you may have.  Another reason may be that different colors may be pleasing to the eye.  So let's get started!

First, it is important to note that color schemes are specific to each login.  Color schemes are stored in User Preference, so they are not affected by any updates or changes to the application.

You can open the color selector by going to the main menu and selecting Options>Colors or clicking on the Colors icon on the toolbar.

Choose either Options then colors or click on the Colors icon in the toolbar.Select the theme you would like to change in the Select Default Theme or a Company drop down menu. 
  • Select Default Colors to modify the default theme.  The default theme applies unless a specific theme is defined for a company.
  • Select a company to modify the theme of a specific company.  The theme setup on the company will override the default them when using the selected company.
Select Default Theme or a CompanyNote:  An asterisk displays next to each company in the drop down menu with a defined theme.  If you want to remove all the themes defined on companies, click the Restore Defaults - All Companies button.
Asterisk = Overridden; Restore Defaults - All CompaniesIn the Theme field, select the theme you want to use.  The theme will be applied to the preview at the bottom of the form so that you can see how the application will look.  You can always restore back to the default theme.
Override Default Colors in Theme; Restore Default Button; Preview display on bottom of screenYou can also change the color of the Theme Smart Cursor or Theme Required Field Indicator within the main Theme.  These changes also have a Restore Default button.
Change color of Theme Smart Cursor and Theme Required Field Indicator; Restore Default buttonsOnce the color scheme meets your satisfaction, click on Apply and then OK
Apply and OK buttonsHope you enjoyed this Tip Tuesday blog!  If you need assistance with anything please click Book a Call to schedule a meeting or click Email Support to add a support ticket. Someone from our team will reach out to you with assistance.
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