Trimble Viewpoint Vista - TC1

Vista Report Catalog

Don't know which report to run in Viewpoint? Don't sweat it! Use the Reports Catalog instead.

sweaty man
Kylie Willoughby - Associate Consultant

By Kylie Willoughby - Associate Consultant

2 min read
There is no doubt about it, when it comes to reporting, Viewpoint has you covered.   

Literally, hundreds of standard reports that come with this ERP! 

So many reports,  that it can be a bit overwhelming and leave you scratching your head as to where to even begin! 

Picture going through each report, entering in your parameters and previewing them one at a time just to find that it's not giving you the detail you need. 

Honestly, who has time for that?! 


Don't sweat this process anymore.  Try using the Report Catalog instead!   

Accessing Viewpoint Reports Catalog

If you are already logged into Viewpoint, just locate the Help menu at the top of any of your screens, then select Viewpoint Help.
Once you are redirected to Viewpoint Help, select Reports Catalog.
Here you will be provided a list of all the standard reports for each module.  
Each module provides General Reports and Australia - Specific Reports .  

Clicking on General Reports displays a list of all general reports assigned to that module, along with a description and a recommended run frequency for each report. 
 WAIT, it gets even better! 

By selecting the Title links on one of these reports, you can see the Report Parameters and it shows you a sample of the report you are running!!! 

No need to dread this process next time you are looking for that perfect report.  

You don't even need to be logged into Viewpoint to view these either, just visit the link at:
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