
Button Up Your Internal Vista Processes!

Link your internal procedure documents to forms directly in Vista!

Chase Fortner - Associate Consultant

By Chase Fortner - Associate Consultant

1 min read

Vista Custom Form Button's - Document Links

Does your team have internal procedure documentation for workflows in Vista?  Wouldn’t it be nice to have certain documentation readily available to end users to quickly reference when completing a form?

Vista Custom (UD) Buttons gives you the ability to embed direct web & document links on forms.

To get started open Viewpoint Administration>Programs>VA Custom Form Buttons.
[User must have access to VA Custom Form Buttons Program]

Select the form you would like the Custom Button to display on and give it an ID (multiple buttons can be added on a single form).

Select the [Text:] you wish to display on the Custom Button. Next select External Application as your [Action Type:]. Locate and select your document by clicking Browse on the [Action:] field.
The [Button Refresh:] selection field can be used to Refresh Records or Data Sets.
Now you are ready to open your form and resize/position the Custom Button to your desired location.

Accept the new position and start improving procedures and data entry right away!

Stay tuned for an upcoming tips or reach out to us for help!
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